SEND Information
SEND Information and Local Offer
Buckminster Primary School is well adapted to be able to provide for the needs of pupils of all abilities.
The design of the building caters for the needs of pupils with physical disabilities while the staff have a wide variety of skills and experience to help cater for the needs of others, including those with additional emotional needs.
For further details of how the school evaluates its provision and assesses the needs of individuals (including input from both pupils and their parents in the decision making), as well as how we use a network of other providers, including other health and education professionals, please look through our revised SEN Policy on our policies section of the website.
Buckminster Primary School works within the local offer provided by Leicestershire County Council. For further contact details of providers who may be able to support your child please see:
Special educational needs and disability | Leicestershire County Council
Buckminster Primary School Local Offer
For details of the Buckminster Primary School 'Local Offer' please see below:
Name of Person to contact: Mrs Julia Orridge
Named SENco: Mrs Natalie Jones
My child has SEND. I would like to look around the school. What do I need to do?
Please give us a call, or email, and make an appointment.
How will you monitor my child’s progress and identify if they have a Special Education Needs?
All children’s progress is monitor closely both by the class teacher and the Head teacher through regular progress meetings. Any child who is not making the expected level of progress is quickly identified and a range of strategies are put in place to address this. If progress is still not as expected, the SENco will become involved and assessments will be made. You will be informed of any concerns at this point.
How will my child and I be made to feel welcome and how will you get ready for my child coming?
You will be greeted by the office staff and given a guided tour by our Head teacher Mrs. Orridge or in her absence, another member of our dedicated staff.
Should you decide to send your child to Buckminster Primary School, we will discuss a programme of induction to cater for all individual needs. An example of this is our current Foundation Stage intake who join us for several visits during the summer term before they are due to start, older pupils may prefer half a day.
How accessible are your premises?
We have three buildings, all on ground level, with wheel chair access to all. We have one disabled toilet in the main part of the school. Our mobile classrooms are approached by a ramp and a stepped walk way.
All children will be treated equally regardless of disability or educational need. This will be done by:
- Developing cultures, policies and procedures to support Inclusion.
- Recognising and promoting the entitlement of all children and young people to schooling and other learning opportunities.
- Developing a curriculum that celebrates diversity.
- Reducing exclusions.
- Providing services that are accessible to all people.
- Requiring effective cross functional and community involvement.
How will you keep my child safe?
Gates and doors are locked appropriately. We have a signing in and out system for visitors at the main office. All staff are trained in Safeguarding/Child Protection and all teachers and teaching assistants have been First Aid trained. Epi-pen is provided by the school nurse when needed. Hearing and Visually impaired training is given as required to suit the needs of our school community.
How will you support my child?
Your child will be joining a supportive environment where teaching will be tailored to their needs. In addition to Quality First Teaching we are able to offer the following provision:
- Social skills programmes.
- Visual timetables.
- Access to ipads.
- Software to support key areas of learning; such as a phonic programme called Nessy.
- Delivery of intervention programmes.
- Behaviour Support Plans and Charts.
How will you communicate with me what my child has done, enjoyed and learnt?
We email out a weekly newsletter called the Buckminster Bites to keep parents up to date. Every child also has a home‐school diary which are used frequently. Teachers are available to speak with parents at the beginning and end of the day and by appointment. We hold three parent‐teacher meetings each year as well as the occasional open morning, when parents are able to come into their children’s classroom and work with them. Our Family Assemblies are a great time to find out about different themed learning and teaching; these take place once a half term.
Children on our Special Needs list receive a 'Support Plan' which as been written with the child and their family. It sets out the support your child will get, how often and who with. This is reviewed three times a year with the child and their parents/carers.
How do you work with other professionals?
The SENco and class teachers liaise and plan with outside agencies when it is appropriate to do so. Individual Support Plan (ISP)/Health Care Plans (EHCP)/Behaviour Support Plans (BSP) are created by teachers, with parents and the child having a significant input. Other professionals may visit weekly or monthly and our teachers spend time discussing the work and support for the individual to ensure their needs are being met.
What training have you /your staff had in SEND?
This ranges from learning support (such as Dyslexia, Dyscalculia), behaviour/emotional support (eg. Autism, Bereavement counselling) and health care (eg. First Aid, asthma.) As soon as any training is required it is put in place to cater for the ever changing needs of the children.
How will you adapt play opportunities for my child?
We want every child to be able to enjoy their playtimes and fully develop their social skills. We will discuss individual needs with you, your child and supporting agencies where appropriate, and will endeavour to ensure that playtime is a happy and enjoyable time.
How will you get ready for my child going to his/her new room/school?
We are a small school and the children get to know all the teachers during the year. In the summer term a ‘moveup’ day is organised so that children can spend some time in their next classroom with their new teacher. Transition arrangements are well established with our local transfer schools and children are invited to spend one or two days there at the end of their Year 6. For non- local transfer schools arrangements are made to suit individual needs.
How will you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
In addition to the above, if your child has an Individual Support Plan (ISP) or BSP you will be invited in to school to discuss progress three times a year. The class teacher will advise you on homework and linked activities to support their learning.
What do I do if I want more information?
You can either look on the Leicestershire Offer Website or contact the school to discuss your questions.
What do I do if I have any concerns?
If you have any concerns please speak to the SENDCo - Mrs. Jones or Headteacher - Julia Orridge